Monday, 12 January 2015

Treat love?

       Every-thing is fair in love and war!
The common societal notion says love is blind. If a simple girl marries a criminal, they say love is blind. When people from two different communities or castes or classes for that matter want to be with each other , they say love is blind.
A man marrying 5 different women is acceptable in this society, the most absurd of the things are acceptable but one of a kind relationship where true love is in its purest form is just not acceptable.
If I said it angers me to hear about Treatment centres for the LGBT community being setup by not to be named ministers, that would be quite an understatement. Since donkey years the learnt ones have been trying to explain that LGBT community is normal. It's natural. I so wish instead of targeting people who are really in love, society and the policy makers would focus a little more on things like rape, issues of polygamy, child marriage ( yes, this custom still prevails)
It's disappointing to see the Indian culture and education system is not enough to explain the correct meaning of something as they tag it "unnatural".
Love has no limits ,no definition. Then why create these unnecessary confinements rather focus on some real development. If a guy marrying someone of his daughter's age is not unnatural to you then well why same sex attraction or love is?


  1. The love will diversify, even though the notoriety of nature towards Love is still love ..i know it's lame to towards culture understanding but love and war are the same thing , stratagems and policy are as allowable in the one as in the other ..and yet the say “ everything is fair in love and war”

    1. It’s not really love if you have to strategise or manipulate it too. A hundred other reasons can often be mistaken for love .

  2. Yea.. Just being known as the email
