Friday, 16 October 2015

Falling in love...

Falling in love is such an easy thing to do, but staying is hard. 

Falling head over heels for someone is so easy. Pay attention to the glitter in them and there infatuation will also feel like love to you.
Whether it's love at first sight or after spending months and years together, the feeling of love never fails to give you that million dollar smile and butterflies in the stomach. Yet, the question is, will it be the same forever? No, its only the initial few days or if you are fortunate enough then months that you will have this feeling and the relationship will look like it's forever. Snap out of your day dream. get real. Eventually you will learn the about the other sides of your better half or your partner. Things aren't always going to be pretty. You start running out of things to talk about and the blinders you once had to each other's imperfections, slowly disappear.  But if you really love that person, you would always find a way to deal with the things that put you off about him/ her.  The minute you feel like tearing each other apart because of everyday fights and arguments, that's when you should remember why you fell for him/ her in the first place.
Nobody is perfect, accept that fact and love the person for what he/she really is and remember why you fell in love in the first place.

Love is wanting to choose that person every time given  a choice, despite their flaws and imperfections. Love is saying I see you- all of you, the good and the bad, things you wouldn't want anyone else to see yet I choose you and would always want you for who you are. Love is to stick around when things get messy, unimaginably hard and complicated.
Love is to love them more than you love yourself.

Stay Loved.

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