Sunday, 22 March 2020

Black is Beautiful.

In the same vein of the title, I would say "Different is Beautiful".

Our society isn't very delighted to accept those who are a little different.
Society sees them as a little kuku in the head. There are even tags for people who speak their thoughts outright and doesn't look up to the society for conformity of their lifestyle. Sharp tongued, disrespectful, blunt and the popular tag nasty. Why are we always expected to stay in the confinement of societal norms?
Why is it not appreciated when there is a difference of opinion especially among two generations? Differences paves the way for dialogue. This dialogue becomes the stepping stone to new thoughts and ideas, which in turn foster creativity and intellectual development. Maybe this is not so evident yet but at least one can be appreciated for being who they are. Everyday, we manipulate our thoughts, our feelings, emotions ,expressions and everything just to please someone, to  maintain peace and harmony at times. What we don't realize is that we lose a part of ourselves each day just to be a part of the crowd, to avoid chaos. Isn't this a little similar to being an impostor? Yet the term annoys the hell out of us.
Let's not belittle people for their choice of words, personality, for not standing with the crowd, for their preferences of who they want to be with. Let's not tag people- black sheep, gay, lesbian, narcissist, sick in the head, bonkers, lunatic or whatever innovative words society has for BEING YOU.
A shout out to all those who are happy being different, Be Brave..Be You..Be Differnt.

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