Monday, 20 April 2020

Words Matter..

Society tags people as good or bad. Any of you ever took a second to think that the person was not born bad, maybe she just learnt things the hard way, maybe somebody never told her about the societal norms of acceptance, maybe she had no one to correct her when she made bad choices. Yet, today she has the world to criticize her choices.
Today, when she has the sense of right and wrong, value of emotions and people,when she is trying to be a better version  of herself, she has the same damn society reminding her every bit of how wrong she had been. They say we don't judge we understand, it was just a bad phase they say. Then, why do you keep putting her through the same phase by betraying again and again. Betrayal doesn't necessarily have to concern love affairs. 
I understand- Don't say that if you are not going to be there through thick and thin. 
I am not leaving- Don't give false hopes if you know you can't stay. You never know when she will cling to your words like a koala and put all her faith in you.
She tried to put everything behind her and start fresh but to change she had to seek a little help. Her savior was counselling, therapies, rehabilitation centers and her medications too. When you tell her "You look fine, You don't need counselling and medications anymore." What you don't realize is, she still cries every night, she still can't stop regretting even when her memory is blur. She still has to deal with her mood swings all by herself because when she tries to seek help from the society, when she hopes to have someone to hear at 3 am, all she hears is "I don't have time for this", "Why can't you just be normal", "It's been years, sleep over it."
In an attempt to be good, to please all, she suppresses every emotion, she manipulates her words to keep things going. 
Is she so wrong to reach out for one person who will stay, understand, go through the entire ordeal of being fine again. You tag her as bad, as a lunatic. Did you ever stop to understand why she made those choices that turned her life upside down? Do you realize how sensitive she has become after losing years and years of her life? Or how difficult it is for her stand again with no strong foundation.
This post is more of a request to you. Understand why the person is the way he/she is. The dark side of their lives is not always written on their face.
 A few kind words will do you no harm but never even know how much of an encouragement that would be to the other person.
A moment to thank those who still understand humanity and are forgiving and encouraging people who were once off track.

1 comment:

  1. Just got chance today to read due to some hospital work ...i can say only other word
